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Focus on Business Mistakes to Avoid Rather than Dreaming about Success, Ep #74

By August 30, 2019No Comments

One of the greatest things I’ve learned from successful entrepreneurs is the value of focusing on business mistakes to avoid. Many books have been written about the best ways to succeed, but very little has been said about how to avoid making mistakes. Charlie Munger is one of the greatest thinkers of our time and speaks about this very thing. Listen to this episode to find out why he is one of the men who has influenced me and my business most. 

Learn the most important lessons from a book about failure in business

I recommend any entrepreneur or business person to read this book – What I Learned Losing a Million Dollars. It’s not a title most publishers go for, and that’s why it’s self-published. Find out in this episode why this book about failure is so powerful. It’s not only a great story, but it contains amazing lessons for you to apply to your eCommerce business today.

What you have to do versus what to avoid – find the better path to wisdom

Wisdom comes from experience, but experience takes time. There are ways to shortcut the process. You must realize that while it’s great to focus on the things we have to do, one of the fastest ways to get wisdom is to focus on the things to avoid. Listen to this episode to hear about renowned businessmen who have learned this formula for success.

Find out what biographies can teach you about life and business

There’s so much you can learn from reading biographies. They’re not only amazing stories, but you also get to learn about people’s struggles and mistakes. But more importantly, it gives you the chance to reflect on your own life. You find out what people learned and what you can implement right away in your own life. In this episode, you’ll discover some of my favorite biographies and the lessons they’ve taught me. Apply them to your own business today.

Outline of This Episode

  • [0:34] Learn the shortcut to finding wisdom in business
  • [4:30] What biographies can teach you about life and business
  • [6:04] Find out why I love this book about failure 

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