1.To Beat BIG, you have to go small.
It’s tempting to act like a “big business” in order to look more legit. Problem is, when you do that you lose all your leverage
The big brands will never be able to connect with customers the way a small business can.
And if you keep connecting with customers and giving them an extraordinary experience…
then very soon you’ll be the big one worrying about the small guy with outstanding technique.
2. Pay for mentorship.
Identify someone that has the knowledge you need to become a better version of yourself and be ready to pay for their guidance.
It’s the closest thing to a “shortcut to success” that you’ll find.
And speaking of shortcuts…
3. There are no shortcuts.
Getting good takes hard work and time.
How long does it take an average person to get a BJJ Black Belt?
Average people don’t get BJJ Black Belts because it takes extraordinary sacrifice to make it.
I’m honored every time I meet someone that has one tied around their waist.
You can get closer to the finish line with proper guidance and using the correct strategies, but you still gotta run to win the race.
4. Technique matters.
The difference between good and great usually comes down to the details and efficiency.
Be mindful of what you’re doing every day to move your business forward, leave the flashy stuff to the amateurs and focus on the vital few things that are actually going to produce results.
- Jokes about people that spend all night watch BJJ youtube videos and try these crazy moves but can’t do the basics so they suck.
- The best in the world win with the fundamentals
5. Showing up is the hardest part.
Whether it’s Business or BJJ…
the hardest part is consistently getting on “the mats” (admittedly, I haven’t been getting on the jiu-jitsu mats enough myself, but I’ll have to talk about trade-offs a different time)
There’s no secret to success.
Success is a habit.
- Track where your attention goes and you’ll see what habits you’re creating
- Then ask is this habit moving towards my target or away from it.
- If the answer is not towards my target, then eliminate it or at the very least be mindful and monitor it.
Get after it.