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These 4 Mindset Strategies Will Have an Immediate Impact on Your eCommerce Business, Part 1, Ep #19

By August 10, 20182 Comments

These 4 mindset strategies are the keys to increased success within your eCommerce business. As entrepreneurs, we often fall prey to distractions, shiny new tools, and the Next Big Thing. But to stay focused and see an immediate impact on your business, you HAVE to follow these 4 strategies. I explain the first 2 on this episode, and you don’t want to miss part 2 of this conversation on the next episode of the Marketing For eCommerce podcast. I promise it’ll be worth your time.

Here’s how I discovered these 4 mindset strategies

I’m in the middle of writing an exciting new book that combines all the best lessons I’ve learned so far as an entrepreneur and eCommerce professional. By far the hardest part of the process was identifying which foundations would be the guide for the rest of the content.

That’s when I discovered these 4 mindset strategies. They have been the force behind my success in eCommerce and I want YOU to benefit from them as well. Once applied to your life, they will have an immediate impact on your business, and they will move your company forward in ways never seen before. If you implement these frameworks, it’ll only augment the success brought about by other marketing, sales, and business strategies. Don’t miss this episode!

Strategy #1 – Intensely focus on only one priority

When I started my own business, I had to dedicate all my time and resources to only one venture – eCommerce. I had to put aside all distractions and this sole focus required me to say “no” to everything else. And these forced decisions were the best thing that could have happened to me early on in my entrepreneurship journey.

Warren Buffett explained it best when he said, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” Identifying your #1 priority gives you the freedom to relentlessly say “YES!” to what matters most while avoiding all other professional distractions. Discipline, determination, and momentum quickly follow after you decide to focus on only one project for a set period of time. I’ve found that 90 days is a good timeframe to allow you to deep-dive into one area of business. Give it a try and let me know what works best for you!

Strategy #2 – Embrace an abundance mindset

The second mindset strategy can easily be explained by the common quote, “A rising tide lifts all ships.” eCommerce and entrepreneurship are not zero-sum games! There are plenty of customers and sales to go around. Success should not be thought about in a “lack mindset,” which (falsely) tells you that if your competitors succeed, there won’t be enough success for your business. It’s simply not true!

Embracing an abundance mindset isn’t just “thinking positive” – it actually gives you results. Because if you’re not focusing on what your competitors are doing, thinking they’re “stealing” your customers, then you can focus on improving your business and offerings. And this allows your creativity to flourish. Avoid the lack mindset trap and develop an abundance mindset. It’s a strategy that I promise will give you results.

Use the OKR tool to take actionable steps on these mindset strategies

These mindset strategies can be turned into actionable steps by using the OKR tool. Used by Google and small startups alike, the OKR tool allows you to reevaluate your time investments and ensure you and your team are staying on track. It’s a goal and objective-setting system that combines qualitative objectives with quantitative key results. The OKR tool can give you dramatic results when used correctly, and it is comprised of 4 main quadrants – here they are.

  1. Overall objectives and key results
  2. Top priorities that move you towards your Objectives & Key Results
  3. Big projects on the horizon
  4. Awareness of potential sacrifices

I explain the OKR tool in depth on episode 14, be sure to check it out! And don’t miss part 2 of this conversation, featured on the next episode of Marketing For eCommerce.

Outline of This Episode

  • [0:29] The first 2 mindset strategies that will improve your ability to succeed in eCommerce
  • [4:11] Mindset Strategy #1 – Intensely focus on one priority
  • [7:45] Use the OKR tool to stay focused on your top priorities
  • [10:40] Mindset Strategy #2 – Embrace an abundance mindset
  • [14:47] Don’t focus on your competition!

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